
Information for foreign students

Department of Foreign Languages and Russian as a Foreign Language

Foreign language is included in the standard of medical studying. Teachers at the university conduct disciplines in English, German, French and Latin. Students from India, Thailand and Nigeria are studying Russian as a foreign language. There are doctors of philology, candidates of science, senior lecturers at the department.

The main activities of the department are participation in conferences and international programs, organization of Olympiads for NSMU’ students, scientific-research of new concepts and approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language, writing textbooks about Russian and foreign languages. Attention is paid not only to lectures and seminars, but also extracurricular cultural and regional work, which includes variety of excursion programs and cultural evening.

Contact Information:

163000 Arkhangelsk, Troitsky prospect 51,

Northern State Medical University

Educational building №1 (5th floor, classrooms 1513-1516А, 1521-1525)

Tel: 21-12-58

E-mail: kafrki@nsmu.ru

Educational building №2 (3rd floor, classrooms 2354)

Tel: 20-93-91

E-mail: cflnsmu@rambler.ru

Head of the department

Vorobyova Olga Ivanovna - Doctor of Philology, Professor. She was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Contact Information:

E-mail: vorobyova24@rambler.ru

Tel: + 7-911-580-03-00

Educational building of the State Medical University №1 (classroom 1523)

Presentation of the 1st course