Library news02.04.2024
There are three theatres in Arkhangelsk! They offer stage plays for adults and children. 1. Arkhangelsk M. V. Lomonosov Regional Drama Theatre is famous for its classical plays. We recommend you “Hamlet”, “The Master and Margarita”, “Doctor Aybolit”, “Tom Sawyer”, “Mowgli”. 2. Arkhangelsk Regional Youth Theatre (Panov’s Theatre) is well-known for the boldness of its productions! We recommend “Cat’s House”, “Nikita Is Looking for the Sea”, “Shear Madness”, “Kolobok is on the Trail”, “Fly-Tsokotukha”. 3. Arkhangelsk Regional Puppet Theatre’s signature trait is its puppet-actors! We recommend the plays “Three Little Pigs”, “A Gift for Mother”, “Gilded Foreheads”, “Teremok”, “How Ivan the Fool Became a Prince”. Visiting Arkhangelsk, don’t forget to check its theatres! Section Getting to Know Russia Новости 21 - 40 из 64 Начало | Пред. | 1 2 3 4 | След. | Конец |