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Dear students!

Section PRO BOOKS to introduce you into the world of classic Russian literature.

September 9th — 195 years ago Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy(1828-1910)

Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is one of the most famous Russian writers. He dedicated his life not only to literature, but also philosophy, education and religion. The author promoted a healthy lifestyle. He never abused alcohol; he didn’t smoke, by the age of 40 he gave up coffee, and in old age he quit eating meat. He created an exercise complex that is actual even nowadays.

Lev Nikolayevich took part in the defense of Sevastopol.

His works are considered the greatest Russian heritage. The most notable are: “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”, "The Prisoner of the Caucasus" and others.

We offer to your attention a novella “Hadji Murat” based on real events of the Crimean War. The story takes place in Chechnya.

Tolstoy, L. N. Hadji Murat : book to read in English language / Tolstoy L. N. - St. Petersburg : KARO, 2017. - 224 p. (Russian classic literature on foreign languages).- URL :

Another novella “The Kreutzer Sonata” about the dire consequences of infidelity was banned by censorship, but became well-known among the authors works. It starts with a conversation during a train ride about love, women and marriage. Each participant of the discussion has his own opinion.

Tolstoy, L. N. The Kreutzer Sonata: book to read in English language / Tolstoy L. N. - St. Petersburg : KARO, 2016. - 160 p. (Russian classic literature on foreign languages). - URL :

“Anna Karenina” is rightfully considered the most popular novel in the world about love. The story of all-consuming passion of a married woman who fell for a handsome officer and left her husband against all odds - against the opinion of society, common morality, her own conscience.

Tolstoy, L. N. Anna Karenina

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