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Library news


Dear students!

Section PRO BOOKS to introduce you into the world of classic Russian literature.

August 23rd is the birthday of Alexander Grin (1880-1932) - the lone romantic of Russian literature, the creator of a fictional country called “Grinlandia”. He had always stood apart - in his work, life and heritage. His higher view and his trust in a person are a sign of true humanism and high dignity of the author’s masterpieces.

Over the years of creativity (1906-1932) Alexander Grin managed to release about 400 works of his, including prose and poetry: six novels (one left unfinished), stories, several hundred short stories, poems, fables, humoresques.

This year A. Grin’s novel “Scarlet Sails” (1923) turns 100 years old.

Grin, A. S. Scarlet Sails / A.S. Grin - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2019. - 256 p. (Russian classic literature in foreign languages) - URL :

The book includes such masterpieces as “Scarlet Sails”, “Adventure Seekers” and “Ships in Liss” translated into English.

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