Russia Day
June 12th is Russia Day – a holiday of freedom, civil peace and the good consent of all people based on law and justice. This holiday is a symbol of national union and collective responsibility about the present and the future of the country.
On this day in 1990, the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.
National flags are being displayed throughout the country. In Kremlin, the President of Russia gives national awards, and of course, the main celebrations are held on the Red Square in Moscow. The finishing touch is the grand fireworks display.
We suggest you to get to know the history, customs, traditions and cultural life of Russian citizens in Consultant of a Student library database:
Temkina N.E. Russia and Russian People / N.E. Temkina - Moscow: FLINTA, 2013. – 112 p. - URL:
Rissia: Symbols, Traditions, Culture: A Textbook / E. A. Yadrikhinskaya, I. V. Adigesalova, I. A. Budnik, T. V. Artemenko - Voronezh : VSUET, 2014. - 84 p. - URL:
Konstantinova L. A. Getting to Know the History of Russia / I. A. Vasilieva, O. P. Ignatieva, E. V. Mitina - Moscow: FLINTA, 2017. - 233 p. - URL :
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