To join the library and get the necessary literature you must:
1. Subscribe to the NSMU Library
Instruction for Registration
After the registration, within 48 hours you will receive a username and a password that gives you an access to the electronic library of the university and to your library account. The username and the password will be active 24 hours after you receive the letter.
2. Register in Electronic medical textbook collection Thieme
Instruction for Registration
To activate your remote access please send your user name and password to NSMU Library e-mail: Your letter also must contain the name of the database (Thieme), your full name, course and faculty.
3. Register in the on-line library system Consultant of a Student
Instruction for Registration
To activate your remote access please send your user name and password to NSMU Library e-mail: Your letter also must contain the name of the database (Consultant of a Student), your full name, course and faculty.
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