Visa Support and Registration

Primary registration
Foreign citizens having arrived to the Northern State Medical University for studies must be registered at the Department of the Federal Migration Service for Arkhangelsk Region within 7 working days. Upon arrival to Arkhangelsk an international student should come to the Dean’s Office of the International Faculty of General Practitioners (office № 1135) within a day and submit the following documents:
- passport with the entry visa;
- migration card.
After the migration registration a foreign citizen gets a detachable part of the notification of registration. The period of migration registration is determined by the validity of visa. Keep your tickets to Arkhangelsk!
Applying for a multiple visa
No less than 20 days before the visa expiration foreign citizens should submit to the migration specialist at the Dean’s Office the following documents for the extention of the visa:
- passport (your passport needs to be valid for 6 months beyond the visa expiration);
- migration card;
- a detachable part of the notification of registration;
- receipt for payment of the state duty of 1600 roubles (you can take the receipt at the Dean’s Office);
- 1 photo.
After graduating or expelling from the university a foreign citizen must leave the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the deadlines set by the Russan Law by purchasing tickets in advance. Extension of the period of stay for the university graduates for reasons not related to studies or otherwise not prescribed by the Russian legislation is not allowed.
The university is not responsible for the migration registration of relatives and friends of international students.
In case of validity expiration of national documents (passports or other equivalent identity documents) during the period of study at the university foreign citizens are obliged to renew or substitute them.
Loss of the passport, a detachable part of the notification or the migration card
If your passport, a detachable part of the notification or migration card are lost or stolen they can be re-issued.
· In case of passport loss or theft:
To start with, you should contact a police station to get a certificate of loss. Then a new identification document (passport) will be issued by the Embassy of your country.
After that you should submit the document to the migration specialist at the Dean’s Office together with the necessary papers for further issue of a new visa.
· In case of loss of a detachable part of the notification or migration card you should address to the migration specialist at the Dean’s office of the International Faculty of General Practitioners.
· In case of loss of the migration card you should address to the Department of the Federal Migration Service for Arkhangelsk Region (office № 208) and draw up an application for the reissue of the duplicate.
Responsibility and obligations of an international student
International students have the right to reside on the territory of the city of Arkhangelsk only at the place of registration.
In case of leaving Arkhangelsk (on holidays or for any other reason during the academic year), students should inform the Dean’s Office about it. On arrival to Arkhangelsk it is necessary to come to the Dean’s Office (office №1135) for a new migration registration or checking the necessity of a new migration registration. Migration registration is obligatory each time when the Russian border is crossed, when getting a new migration card and staying in hotels, hostels, recreation centers, health resorts and hospitals.
At discharge from a hospital you need to address to the migration specialiast at the Dean’s Office for processing papers.
You are required to get medical insurance (for this information please contact the Dean’s Office).
Foreign students are subject to administrative or criminal sanctions for committing an offense on the territory of the Russian Federation according to the Russian legislation.
If a foreign citizen violates the rules of stay on the territory of the Russian Federation including avoiding leaving the Russian Federation upon a visa expiration or not extending a visa he or she may be called to administrative account according to the Russian Law and may be subject to administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation. A foreign citizen who has been administratively expelled may be further banned from entry to the Russian Federation for the period of up to five years. At the moment the penalty for the non-compliance with the migration rules is 2,000 to 5,000 roubles on individuals (a student), from 40,000 to 50,000 roubles on officials (a migration specialist), from 400,000 to 500,000 roubles on legal entities (a university).